Guided Tours
Els espais protegits i la salut humana
L’Albufera, el Delta de l’Ebre i La Camarga
Sant Salvador was born in 1520 in the poor house of the Hospici of Santa Coloma de Farners. At an early age, he was expected to help the monks attending the sick and dying. He stayed there until he was 18.
The medical experience, he gained made him very popular amongst the populise but had the oposite effect whithin the church, in those days the Inquisition saw anyone healing others as an intervention of the devil.
The route starts in Santa Coloma de Farners, goes through Bellpuig, Horta de Sant Joan, Cagliari, Sasser and ends in Naples (if you want to know why, you must come;-).
Horta de Sant Joan
April 24 – 26th
After healing the sick at many different convents throughout Catalonia, Sant Salvador finally arrived at Orta (former name of Horta de Sant Joan) where he stayed for 12 years. During this time he became famous for his ability to heal people, this ability was seen as miracles, rather than the intervention of the devil as perceived by the Inquisition. We will watch and enjoy the April Festival to relive the procession in which an image of Sant Salvador is carried to the Monk’s Convent that bears his name. We will get to discover the monument, the local culture and the history of Horta de Sant Joan through its old town and the nature within Els Ports Natural Park.
October 17 – 22nd
Sant Salvador died in Cagliari in 1567 and his body, was on the altar of Santa Maria until the church was destroyed by naval canon fire. This journey is key to rediscovering his last years and miracles he performs and to visit the altar of Sant Rosalia where his remains are to this day.
May 22 -26th
After his death, Sant Salvador had a great influence on Princess Belmote of Naples, whilst being gravely ill and close to death she saw a vision of the saint. Amazingly, once seeing the vision , she made a recovery.
This trip will help you understand what the Princess did to help to spread the word of the miracles done by the saint. You will also discover why Horta de Sant Joan in Spain and Orta di Atella in Italy, are twinned.

The Route

Santa coloma de Farners
Naixement de Salvador Pladevall al 1520Horta de Sant Joan
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaSàsser i l'Alguer
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blaSardenya
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